Create Active Directory Service Accounts for Keyfactor Command

Several of the Keyfactor Command roles operate under an Active Directory service account. You can either create a single Active Directory service account for all these roles or create separate service accounts for each role. If multiple Keyfactor Command roles will be installed on the same server, some of the below roles will be redundant. The roles that require a service account are:

You may need additional service accounts to support the use of Keyfactor Command orchestrators and/or gateways in your environment. Please see:

The service account(s) need to be created in Active Directory prior to installation of the Keyfactor Command software, and the person installing the Keyfactor Command software needs to know the service account(s) domain, username and password. The same service account may be used for multiple roles, if desired. For example, you might have one service account for orchestrators, another for gateways, and a third for all server roles.

Note:  The Application Pool account must have read permission on any groups being created. This will allow Keyfactor Command to query for group membership on the groups.

Table 756: Typical Service Accounts



Keyfactor Command Service Account

Keyfactor Command Service, Keyfactor Command Management Portal, Keyfactor Command APIs, Keyfactor Command Logi Report Access

Keyfactor Orchestrator Service Account

Keyfactor Orchestrator access to Keyfactor Command Server and Keyfactor Orchestrator on-machine operations, where applicable